Function libnotcurses_sys::ffi::ncblit_rgba[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ncblit_rgba(
    data: *const c_void,
    linesize: c_int,
    vopts: *const ncvisual_options
) -> c_int
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Blit a flat array ‘data’ of RGBA 32-bit values to the ncplane ‘vopts->n’, which mustn’t be NULL. the blit begins at ‘vopts->y’ and ‘vopts->x’ relative to the specified plane. Each source row ought occupy ‘linesize’ bytes (this might be greater than ‘vopts->lenx’ * 4 due to padding or partial blits). A subregion of the input can be specified with the ‘begy’x’begx’ and ‘leny’x’lenx’ fields from ‘vopts’. Returns the number of pixels blitted, or -1 on error.