Function libnotcurses_sys::ffi::ncplane_mergedown[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ncplane_mergedown(
    src: *mut ncplane,
    dst: *mut ncplane,
    begsrcy: c_int,
    begsrcx: c_int,
    leny: c_int,
    lenx: c_int,
    dsty: c_int,
    dstx: c_int
) -> c_int
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Merge the ncplane ‘src’ down onto the ncplane ‘dst’. This is most rigorously defined as “write to ‘dst’ the frame that would be rendered were the entire stack made up only of the specified subregion of ‘src’ and, below it, the subregion of ‘dst’ having the specified origin. Merging is independent of the position of ‘src’ viz ‘dst’ on the z-axis. It is an error to define a subregion of zero area, or that is not entirely contained within ‘src’. It is an error to define a target origin such that the projected subregion is not entirely contained within ‘dst’. Behavior is undefined if ‘src’ and ‘dst’ are equivalent. ‘dst’ is modified, but ‘src’ remains unchanged. neither ‘src’ nor ‘dst’ may have sprixels.