Function libnotcurses_sys::ffi::ncplane_resize [−][src]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn ncplane_resize(
n: *mut ncplane,
keepy: c_int,
keepx: c_int,
keepleny: c_int,
keeplenx: c_int,
yoff: c_int,
xoff: c_int,
ylen: c_int,
xlen: c_int
) -> c_int
Expand description
Resize the specified ncplane. The four parameters ‘keepy’, ‘keepx’, ‘keepleny’, and ‘keeplenx’ define a subset of the ncplane to keep, unchanged. This may be a section of size 0, though none of these four parameters may be negative. ‘keepx’ and ‘keepy’ are relative to the ncplane. They must specify a coordinate within the ncplane’s totality. ‘yoff’ and ‘xoff’ are relative to ‘keepy’ and ‘keepx’, and place the upper-left corner of the resized ncplane. Finally, ‘ylen’ and ‘xlen’ are the dimensions of the ncplane after resizing. ‘ylen’ must be greater than or equal to ‘keepleny’, and ‘xlen’ must be greater than or equal to ‘keeplenx’. It is an error to attempt to resize the standard plane. If either of ‘keepleny’ or ‘keeplenx’ is non-zero, both must be non-zero.
Essentially, the kept material does not move. It serves to anchor the resized plane. If there is no kept material, the plane can move freely.